(REVISED 12/4/2020)   

 The objective of this organization shall be to create and promote a program for boys and girls, in which, the fundamentals of basketball are taught in conjunction with good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and all the qualities of good citizenship.  This objective will be achieved by providing a supervised basketball program in which the overall good of all participants will be the main concern.   


 1.      Registration is open to all students currently enrolled in a Shallowater Independent School District School, grades 1-6.  Students living in the district but not enrolled in SISD or outside of grades 1-6 are not eligible to play in SYBL. 

 2.      Students in grades 1-2 will be placed in the Junior Division. 

 3.      Students in grades 3-4 will be placed in the Minor Division. 

 4.      Students in grades 5-6 will be placed in the Major Division. 

 5.      Teams will be selected through an evaluation process at tryouts and placed on teams accordingly.  All efforts will be made to create teams that are as evenly matched as possible. 


 1.      All coaches must emphasize to their players and their parents of our responsibility to properly maintain the school and gymnasiums.  We use the gym with consent of the school and this consent can be withdrawn at any time.  

 2.      All players and parents had to agree to the SYBL COVID 19 Guidelines, as set forth by SISD.  These guidelines must be adhered to and not broken, to ensue continued use of SISD facilities.  We ask parents to monitor their player, non-playing children, and family members to ensure these guidelines are adhered to.  

 3.      No children will be allowed to ‘free play’ while in the facilities.  We ask that all non-playing children and guests sit with their respective family and adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines as set forth in the SYBL COVID 19 Guidelines.  

 4.      No players or non-players will be allowed on the court during time outs, halftime, or between games. 

 5.      SYBL Board Members and Division Directors will be present at all games to ensure SYBL COVID 19 Guidelines are being followed.  Anyone found not following will be asked to adhere to these guidelines or be asked to leave the facility.  

 Practice Guidelines 

 1.      All coaches will sign up for practice times at time of team draft process.  These practice times will be turned into SISD to be placed on the District Calendar.  Only one practice per week will be assigned and only half court can be utilized.  All courts will be shared with 2 teams. 

 2.      Coaches reserve the right to ‘bench’ a player for a required 5 minute playing time for unexcused absenteeism from practice.  This will be at the discretion of the coach.  Parents should always notify the coach if an absence from a practice or game is unavoidable. Game Guidelines The official basketball rules are adopted by Shallowater Youth Basketball League and will be played according to the rules of UIL games in the Shallowater School District and the State of Texas expect as changed by the following rules: 

 1.      Playing Time: 

 a.      Each player must play 2 complete five minutes sessions at the beginning of each 20 minute half. 

 b.      If a player leaves the game due to injury, illness or disqualification, and is unable to return, they will be deemed to have completed their required playing time for the game.  However, if the player is able to return to play, they must be allowed to complete their 5 minute playing time requirement. 

 c.      Players arriving late, after the game has started, will forfeit their 1 half five minute playing time at the discretion of the coach.  They will be allowed to play in their 2nd half five minute playing time. 

 d.      If a player fouls out prior to completing their 10 minutes of total required game time, they will be considered qualified. e.      It is the duty of the official scorer to notify the officials if a player has not completed their 5 minute playing time in each half. 

 f.       The 2nd ten minutes of each half, teams will be allowed to freely substitute, assuming the required playing time has been  met.  

 g.      Penalty for intentionally violating playing will result in game forfeiture. 

 2.      Defensive Strategy: 

 a.      Junior Division                                                     

i.     Only man to man defense will be allowed for the game duration.  Help defense will be allowed, but only to the extent to prevent a scoring opportunity.  Once the original defensive player has recovered, the help defender must return to their original assigned player.  See Junior Division game rules for further clarification.  

b.      Minor Division                                                     

i.     Man to man defense only in the 1st half of play; Zone and/or Man to Man allowed in 2nd half of play.  Help defense will be allowed in the 1st half Man to Man only time.  Once the original defensive player has recovered, the help defender must return to their original assigned player.  See Minor Division game rules for further clarification. 

c.      Major Division                                                     

i.     Any play of defense is allowed during the entire game. 

 d.      Penalty for breaking Defensive Strategy will be a technical foul and free throws awarded. 

 3.      Defense In The Backcourt (Pressing): 

 a.      Junior Division                                                     

i.     No backcourt defense allowed during the entire game 

 b.      Minor Division                                                    

 i.     Backcourt defense will be allowed during the last 5 minutes of the game only                                                    

ii.     Backcourt defense will be not allowed or stopped if opposing team is ahead by 20 or more points at anytime during the last 5 minutes of the game 

 c.      Major Division                                                     

i.     Backcourt defense will be allowed during the entire game                                                    

ii.     Backcourt defense will not be allowed or stopped if opposing team is ahead by 20 or more points at anytime during the last 5 minutes of the game 

 4.      Isolation Offense: 

 a.      No isolation offense involving one or two players will be permitted.  Clearing the floor to one side for a one-on-one or two-on-two offense is prohibited.  Teams must involved all of its players in the offensive pattern.  This does not pertain to traditional screen type patterns where a player screens for another player to gain an advantage to the bucket.  This will be a judgement call of the official.  This rule is not applicable in the major division.  Penalty for breaking the Isolation Offense rule will result in a technical foul. 

 5.      Lane Violation: 

 a.      5 second lane violation in Junior Division will the official instructing the player to move from the lane.  No violation will be assessed unless it becomes excessive.  This is a judgement call by the official. 

 b.      3 second lane violation in the Minor and Major Divisions will result in violation assessed. 

 6.      Free Throw Line: 

 a.      Junior Division will be moved up 24” toward the basket 

 b.      Minor Division will be moved up 12” toward the basket 

 c.      Major Division shall remain at regulation distance 

 7.      Basket Height: 

 a.      Junior Division will be 8’6” from court floor 

 b.      Minor Division will be 10’ from court floor 

 c.      Major Division will be 10’ from court floor 

 8.      Ball Size: 

 a.      Junior Division will be 27.5 

 b.      Minor Division will be 28.5 

 c.      Major Division Girls will be 28.5 

 d.      Major Division Boys will be 29.5 9.      

3 Point Rule: 

 a.      Junior Division no 3 point baskets awarded 

 b.      Minor Division will allow 3 point baskets 

 c.      Major Division will allo 3 point baskets 

 10.  Overtime: 

 a.      One 2 minute overtime quarter will be allowed in the event the score is tied at the end of game regulation. 

 b.      If game is still tied at the end of the 2 minute overtime quarter, then the game will be decided by Sudden Death Freethrows.                                                    

 i.     Each team will select one player to shoot 2 freethrows.  If both players make both freethrows, then another player is selected.  Not one player may shoot Sudden Death Freethrows twice until all team members have shot. 

 11.  Time Outs: 

 a.      Each team will be allowed 3 full timeouts per regulation game and one timeout in Overtime.  Timeouts will not carry over into Overtime. 

 12.  Clock: 

 a.      Junior Division                                                     

i.     2 – 20 minutes halfs with running clock.  Clock stoppage will only occur in last 2 minutes if neither team has a 10 point or greater lead.  Clock will stop for all dead ball situations and time outs. 

 b.      Minor Division                                                     

i.     2 – 20 minutes halfs with running clock.  Clock stoppage will only occur in last 2 minutes if neither team has a 10 point or greater lead.  Clock will stop for all dead ball situations and time outs. 

 c.      Major Division                                                    

 i.     2 – 20 minutes halfs with running clock.  Clock stoppage will only occur in last 2 minutes if neither team has a 10 point or greater lead.  Clock will stop for all dead ball situations and time outs. 

13.  Required Number of Players and Sideline Rules: 

 a.      Five Players are required to begin a game.  Two players are required to complete a game 

 b.      If a team has less than 5 players to begin a game, the coach may choose to play with less than 5 players.  If the coach chooses to play with less than 5 players the opposing team can still play with 5 players.  If the coach decides not to play, it will be ruled as a forfeit.  If the coach decides not to play and forfeit the game, a scrimmage for practice can be held. 

 c.      Only players and 2 coaches are allowed on the sideline and/or bench area.  All other individuals will be asked to leave the area. 

 14.  Disciplinary Benching: 

 a.      Players may be benched for one 5 minute required playing time, for behavioral issues such as poor sportsmanship or conduct.  Players will be formally warned and given an opportunity to improve their conduct before the benching will be enforced. 

15.  Scorekeepers: 

a.      Each team are responsible for providing clock and scorebook keepers.  Ideally, one parent from each team should be selected to serve in these roles.  In the event that a parent cannot be provide from each team, then the other team may provide both.   

 Conduct Guidelines   

 Player Conduct 1.      

The following misconduct, whether personal or technical, is unacceptable conduction for participation in SYBL: 

 a.      Disrespectfully addressing or contact a game official 

b.      Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures 

 c.      Baiting or taunting any individual under any circumstance with the intent of ridiculing or embarrassing a participant of the game 

 d.      Fighting or any attempt to strike, punch, or kick an opponent or any attempt to insight a fight 

 e.      Penalties for any of the above violations:                                                     

i.     The first flagrant foul will result in immediate disqualification for the remainder of the game and must leave the bench and facility.  The player will also be disqualified for the team’s next game.  The second flagrant foul committed by the same player during the same season will result in disqualification of the player for the remainder of the SYBL season.                                        ii.     Failure to leave the bench area after the first flagrant foul may be considered a second flagrant foul.                                      iii.     Appeals to be reconsider the disqualification must be submitted in writing to the board within 24 hours.  Reinstatement of the player to the SYBL program will be subject to board approval of a written request from the player and their guardian. 2.      Parent/Coach Conduct 

 a.      Any activity, either verbal or physical, or of a disrespectful, hostile, or taunting nature which may be interpreted as intending to embarrass, intimidate, ridicule, or demean others under any circumstances by a coach or parent, before, during or after a game, addressing or directed at or to another coach or parent, board member, gym director or official may result in disciplinary action by the board. 

 b.      Penalty: Possible penalties may include single or multiple game suspensions for parents or coaches, banning a coach or parent from involvement in SYBL.  Penalty decisions will be decided by the SYLB board.  Appeals must be submitted in writing to the board within 24 hours of notification that a penalty has been imposed. 

 c.      Parent or Coach complaints concerning the program or officials should be directed to the SYBL board for consideration.  Parent complaints regarding the team their child is playing on should be first directed to the coach for resolution.  If both parties cannot come to terms the issue will be head by the board.   

 Any activity by a coach, player or parent(s)/guardian(s) to circumvent the intent of the rules of SYBL basketball, or the intent of the program to provide a fair and equal opportunity for all players, will be dealt with on an individual basis by the board.  Any action by the board will be limited only by it's judgement in attempting to assure that, as far as possible, any affected team, league or age group is returned to as equal and competitive a level as possible.  The board will be the sole determiner of when and if any activity has occurred and to what extent, if any, the program has been affected.  Should the board determine that any actions, disciplinary or otherwise are required, it will impose whatever penalties are necessary to maintain the integrity of Shallowater Youth Basketball.